Many have seen NCQA emblems and heard the name, but a very common question remains: “What is the NCQA.?” NCQA stands for National Committee for Quality Assurance, an important organization that affects us all. Let’s look at some basic answers to the common question as to what is the NCQA and what exactly it does.
Basic Purpose and History
The National Committee for Quality Assurance formed in 1990 as a private, non-profit organization. The organization’s goal was and still is to provide uniformity in the quality of services provided by the healthcare industry. This uniformity is achieved in a number of ways.
The organization serves as a sort of authoritative body for the healthcare world. Any operation that involves healthcare can seek resources from the organization as well as be a subject of its scrutiny. The main claim to its authoritative powers and its encouragement in quality standards is its accreditation power. Outside of accreditation, the organization provides many informational resources, educational opportunities, and industry analyses for any interested.
Going on to the specifics of the NCQA’s functions, we start with its role as an educational resource. The goal of the organization lies in the creation of a healthcare industry that is unrivaled in its overall quality. In working towards this goal, the NCQA consistently provides a wealth of knowledge to all in need. Much of this is done via general resources provided by the organization’s website. Outside of this, the NCQA offers a whole host of webinars, seminars, events, and training programs. Learners can expect to gain volumes in subjects such as best practices, confidentiality issues, patient management, and even basic, on-the-job performance in healthcare.
Active Analyst
The NCQA also acts as an active investigator and analyst in all areas of modern healthcare practice. Rather than simply educating and accrediting healthcare bodies on past-practiced concepts, the organization actively pursues opportunities for improvement in its own functions in quality assurance as well as the general functions of current practice nationwide. This is done through analysis and investigation of any related area, inside facilities and out, with the aid of healthcare businesses and without.
Accrediting Body
Official accreditation makes up much of the organization’s core, supportive framework. Healthcare facilities want to display the NCQA emblem at their locations so that patients and the public know of their professionalism and official commitment to quality healthcare practice. To be accredited and thus able to display this valued emblem, the healthcare entity must prove itself via the NCQA’s testing, registration, and strict conformity to ongoing rules and expectations. Healthcare patients, professionals, and others rely on this “organizational glue” that is accreditation.
Finally, the organization acts as an advocate in all of its functions. Its accreditation conforms the industry to a set standard and grading system. Its active analysis keeps the entire industry up to date on opportunities for operational improvement. Its considerable, educational offerings offer every opportunity for learning. In addition, the NCQA advocates for the greater success of the industry as a point of contact, reference, and direct assistance when called upon by those in need.
The NCQA play a pivotal role in healthcare quality as a whole. Whether you are aware or not, this organization has a distinct effect on the quality of care you, your family, and other loved ones receive at any given time.