What is CHIP?

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), formerly known as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) gives uninsured families with children an avenue for health insurance funding that may have otherwise been inaccessible. Originally, the program was founded specifically to assist families wthat fall within an income level that is too generous for Medicaid qualification and yet still modest enough to merit some form of insurance funding assistance.


Originally, the program introduced out of a need for some form of answer to the underperformance of President Bill Clinton’s 1933 health care plan. The program was one of several that had been created out of heavy opposition to Clinton’s universal health care proposition.

CHIP Coverage Range

Depending on the unique regulations of the state in question, the exact range of different CHIP benefits may vary. In terms of the general CHIP benefits, there are a number of common perks that are shared by all different CHIP coverage plans in all states. Every state, regardless of its own unique CHIP regulations, offers the following kinds of coverage to all of its qualifying applicants:

  • Emergency assistance
  • X-ray examinations
  • Laboratory services
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Dental coverage
  • Vision coverage
  • Immunization procedures
  • Regular examinations for overall health

CHIP Application Process

To apply for CHIP coverage, potential applicants may fill out any application using the Health Insurance Marketplace. Upon receipt, those at the Health Insurance Marketplace will determine the individual qualifiers of each individual in the applicant’s household. Should the Marketplace determine that there are in fact people in the household with sufficient qualifications for CHIP, then the applicant’s submitted information will be sent to the state agency.

Potential applicants are permitted to submit their CHIP application at any time during the year. Unlike a number of other insurance programs, there are no periods of limited enrollment for CHIP.

In addition to informing the applicant of whether or not their submitted information merits CHIP enrollment, the Marketplace will also let the applicant know whether or not they may qualify for an insurance plan that provides support on an individual basis. The qualification for an individual insurance plan will depend upon the particular income status of the applicant.

When the state agency receives information from the Health Insurance Marketplace about he qualifying CHIP applicant, the agency will then contact said applicant in order to discuss the enrollment terms. As soon as it has been officially determined that the potential applicant does indeed qualify for CHIP enrollment, the program’s coverage will immediately begin covering them.

Every state makes CHIP coverage available to uninsured families. In a number of states, women who are pregnant might be eligible for CHIP benefits. Depending on the state in particular, there may be uniquely different requirements for CHIP approval than what might be the norm in other states. In order to discover what the necessary state qualifications are for CHIP approval in any particular area, the local state agency can be contacted to request a qualification audit.


CHIP offers families a line of assistance with health coverage that would otherwise be inaccessible to their financial grey zone. The plan’s coverage applies to different benefits depending on the state, but the key fundamentals of general healthcare are covered by all state variations.